Lena is a committee member for the Silver Warriors Auxiliary and serves on the Board of Directors for Gamma Pi Rho Lupus Sorority, Inc. A resident of Illinois, happily married for 51 years with 3 lovely daughters, 6 beautiful grandkids, and 10 energetic great-grandkids that keep her active. After 40 years of service, she officially retired from White Castle Systems in September 2010. Lena has been a dedicated member of the Order of the Eastern Star (OES) since 2005. She has been elevated to various degrees and now serves as the Past Worthy Matron of Lady Elizabeth #1013. Her commitment to community service, charity, advocacy, and sisterhood allowed her to achieve her lifetime membership in June 2017. She was accepted into the Shammai Supreme White Shrine of Jerusalem #3300 in 2020, which was her proudest honor as an OES member.