D.Y.M.E.S (Directing Youth with Motivation, Empathy and Support)

Colors: Purple, Teal and Silver
Flower: Purple and Teal Rose
Jewel: Diamond -Diamonds are associated with strength, love and health. As we have uncovered,
throughout history, diamonds have been worn by leaders or power figures to symbolize strength and
invincibility. Diamonds have also been associated with good health and represent long life and good
heart health.
Blue Hummingbird: Blue Hummingbird -To some, sighting a hummingbird signal that challenging
times are over and healing can begin. To others, these tiny fliers are an inspiring sign of hope and
good luck. Hummingbirds also can have a spiritual significance and mean the spirit of a loved one is

Membership Fee: $75 includes t-shirt.
Yearly dues: $25

Mission: Gamma Pi Rho Lupus Sorority’s mission is to focus on improving the quality of life for all individuals diagnosed and affected by Lupus and to provide programs of support, foster educational opportunities, empower members to advocate and raise awareness.  All while establishing relationships, upholding leadership, building a sisterly bond, and making an impact not just within the Lupus community but throughout the world.  Education and advocacy go hand in hand, and we will ensure that you know Lupus to say no to Lupus.

Vision: Gamma Pi Rho Lupus Sorority’s purpose is to ensure that the world doesn’t just know what Lupus is, but understands how life changing it can be.


Welcome Package: Welcome letter from Madame President, Deon/Paula, membership card,
certificate, and T-shirt.

Questionnaire for Applicants

1. What hobbies do you currently possess that would be an asset to the organization?
2. Are you willing and able to participate in two (2) or more community events per calendar year?
3. When were you diagnosed with Lupus?
4. Are you willing and able to advocate for Lupus?
5. What are your expectations of being a DYME?
6. What is your favorite subject in school?
7. Name someone past or present you look up to and why?